Brewing Tea
For most of the dried teas offered on our site, a general rule is to use approx. 1 teaspoon or more for each 8oz to 16 oz. cup and steep with hot water for 1- 4 minutes or to your taste.
If you wild craft fresh herbs throughout the year or have your own garden where you can pick fresh, Use 2 tsp. fresh herbs to your 8-12 hot water and steep 3-5 minutes or to your taste preference.
More nourishing water based teas are made as an infusions or as a decoction.
HERBAL TEA – For most of the dried teas offered on our site
Steep 1 teaspoon per 8oz. cup of hot water for 2-4 minutes or to your taste preference and strain. Be sure to add the mash to your compost. Our herbal teas with harder components could benefit form a light crushing with a metate or similar method to expose more surface for better extraction. Add honey if you like! For more potent herbal tea use an infusion or Decoction method for brewing.
The leaves for some of these teas can be very large and should have plenty of room to unfurl. A strainer that fits on top of your cup works best. Use one teaspoon or to your preference for an 8oz. cup and steep 2 to 4 minutes at approx. 190˚ to 200˚ hot water. Try adding cream and a touch of honey to black teas to smooth out the astringency.
The leaves of some of these teas can be very large and should have plenty of room to unfurl. A strainer that fits on top of your cup is best. Add one teaspoon to 8oz. water and steep 1 to 3 minutes only at a bit lower temperature between 160˚to 175˚ Green tea becomes bitter at higher temps and with longer brewing times and you most likely will be able to get another infusion from the same leaves. Add the mash to your compost.
Steep 1- to 4 minutes at 175˚to 200˚the longer you steep the stronger the flavor. Please note that Rooibos brews quickly – its best to adjust to your taste. Nice with honey or cream.
INFUSIONS water based teas – are typically made with the dried softer parts of the dried leaves and will bring forth the plants nutritional value and require a longer steeping time. Add 1-oz. dried by weight to a quart jar and add 32-oz. by volume of boiling water. Secure lid and steep for at least 4 hours then strain Keep your in the refrigerator and use for 2 days. Drink throughout the day. Standard dose is one infusion per day. Cold infusions like for marshmallow root, are made with a cold water process and steeped overnight for up to 12 hours.
DECOCTIONS are typically used for the more “tougher”parts of plants like non aromatic seeds, berries, bark and roots.
For ease of use and to have on hand – Use approx. 1oz. plant material per quart of water – Bring water to a boil add herbs and simmer for 15-20 minutes with lid. Remove from heat and decant/strain. Keep in fridge. Good for one to two days.
Herbal teas are often called tisanes and are made from herbs flowers, twigs, and berries, either fresh or dried.